So, being an armchair traveler, I am particularly charmed by the tastes and samples of another country - yes, even another state - that come to me by way of swaps. Receiving gifts from another country is almost like walking down its streets and exporing its shops. I belong to a group on Ravelry that has had a swap going almost constantly since last September, and I've participated in all but one of them. Since this group specializes in not one, but two of my particular obsessions: needlecraft and tea, I've been constantly delighted by the sending off of parcels full of local Northeast specialties and receiving mysterious curiosities from far away.

Today, in the midst of my furiously fast knitting for the book sample, I heard the postman's heavy footsteps down the long porch and soon after found a large box on my doorstep - return address marked: London, UK. Organic Scottish Shortbread biscuits and a wide variety of fragrant teas were the perfect refreshments when I took my break and picked up my book for 15 minutes of relaxing reading - a Hammish MacBeth mystery by M.C. Beaton set in the foggy, cold highlands of Scotland.
Nestled in the bottom of the box, was a pretty yellow bag marked "I Knit London".

Inside: SIX skeins of Wensleydale Longwool, spun in Yorkshire England on Cross Lanes Farm. Sea green the colour of drifting sea fronds and Seafoam blue - my favorite colours... Already, I can envision these yarns made up into a sweater of vintage design. The green will be the cuffs and neckline, and the blue, the lace-and-cable body of the sweater. I have almost 1200 yards here. What a generous gift!
In the way of swap boxes, this one yielded up its treasures through a myriad of wrappings and packings. Amongst those folds were tucked some tiny pewter treasures - a colander, pepper mill, wine corkscrew, and a teapot - so cute!

When people are kind and giving in unexpected ways it heals the nicks and breaks and bruises that everyday life brings. An act of Grace goes out into the world in endless ripples and affects people in ways the originator could never imagine. I have been graced by kind swap people three times in recent weeks. Thank you for being agents of goodness in my life.
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