I love crochet. It was my first needle art and the one I have best mastered. My first finished crocheted item was a little tiny lavender and gray sweater for my Ginny doll, a doll that looked just like me. I went on to make capes and blankets for the American Girl dolls, but that first acomplishment was the best.

Since in my opinion, everyone needs to know some crochet, I've spent some time looking thrugh my antique books for fast, easy and gorgeous patterns to share with learners. These patterns would work particulary well for charitable giving, I think. The beauty of these patterns is that they are so easily adaptable and could be personalized in so many ways - a change of yarns, of embellishments, experimentation with colour....
For my full article on this subject, see This Week in Ravelry Vol #7...
1921 Crocheted Winter Cloche
from Needlecraft Magazine

Materials: 1 and ½ skeins of tan yarn, ½ skein of dark tan yarn, and crochet hook No. 3 (no further specifics were given. The No. 3 hook might indicate a 3.0 mm hook, which would be a US D hook)
Instructions: Using the lighter shade of yarn double, make a chain of 3 stitches. Join.
1. Six dc in ring.
2. Two dc in each dc (working in both threads or veins of the stitch).
3. Dc in first dc; 2 dc in next dc; repeat.
4. Dc in each of the first 2 dc; 2 dc in the next dc; repeat.
5. Dc in each of 3 dc; 2 dc in next dc; repeat.
Continue in this way, having one more double between increases, each row, until there are nine doubles between; then work 18 rows plain, or without increase, and break the yarn. Turn the work and make the brim, using the dark tan yarn, double.
1. A dc in each dc, join and turn.
2. Ch 1, dc in dc increasing in 6th and 7th dc of preceding row, alternately.
3, 4, 5. Dc in dc without increase.
The rim may be made wider, if desired, by working more rows, say 5 plain rows instead of 3. Turning at end of each row gives the rim a different effect from the body of the hat. Break and fasten the yarn; turn up the brim.
For the ornament: Using the lighter shade of yarn, make a chain of 12 stitches; a treble in 3rd stitch of chain and each following stitch of chain, 10 trebles in all. Break and fasten yarn.
With the dark tan make a chain of 5 stitches; a treble in 3rd stitch, 2 more trebles on chain, turn; 3 trebles (chain 3 for first), and repeat until you have 24 rows; sew this strip around the light center evenly, and fasten the latter to the side of hat, leaving the border free.
A very pretty little pull-on and easy to make. It made be made larger or smaller as required.
1916 Men's Muffler

1916 Infant's Hood

and a couple of really novel designs:
A Crocheted Garter Purse - not a purse in garter stitch, but a purse attached to an old fashioned stocking garter so that you can strap it around your thigh and hide your precious coins away!

A Traveling Work Bag that you carry over your wrist. The crochet thread slips through the little hole in the side so you can bring your crochet with you and be industrious where-ever you go!

I had Ginny dolls too. They were lots of fun. I love those patterns, they look great!
Thanks for your comments! I love the old patterns - many people are unaware of how very accomplished in crochet and in knit design people were 100 years ago!
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