Monday, September 26, 2005

All knits need buttons!

This week my friend from Down Under came for a visit and we went to the Brimfield Antique Fair, looking for vintage buttons. We were very successful and we saw John Malkovich in the button booth!

You know you wanted to see my friend Mark and all the antique Brimfield buttons:

This is Marky at my house. Isn't he handsome? He looks rather like John Malkovich himself! But what's that he's reading????? Its a facsimile of an antique knitting book from Pastimes Press!

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These are vintage Celluloid buttons from the 1930's, and down near the bottom right you see a Bakelite Scotty Dog button. I only have one, and Marky has the other.

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Now, these are Vegetable Ivory buttons and there are some unusual ones in this group! Near the top and middle are two Plaids, there is a carved Leaf, and look at the center bottom of the photo amd you will see a carved Spider - very rare!

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I bought this old button card for a mermaid of my acquaintance (my little sister) who is very into clothing design - its odd for a mermaid to be into clothes don't you think? It would seem more in keeping for her to be into seaweed, or seashells, or fish! But she's a very artsy mermaid!

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