Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Like a deer in the glade...

my best (and only) little sister J made this beautiful little deer for me in my favorite colour!

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Isn't it beautiful???! She made this pattern herself - she's so talented! I've seen two others she made too, (but I love mine the best because she made it just for me!) I don't know if she's going to put some of these up on our Silver-Apples site...

I like the thought of fading in to the fern-y forest for a while...being shy and wild and quiet. Its so hard being 'out there' all the time. I don't think anyone who works with me has any idea how much psychic energy it takes for me to just go out and be with people every day, to say nothing of providing guidance to groups, teaching, or contributing to meetings. Okay, I admit that once I get into the swing of the class I love teaching, and I also enjoy any work that involves one-on-one, but there's so much else 'out there' that demands extroversion...

Yesterday I was required to go to a conference, to meet lots of new people, to eat lunch with folks, to speak up in front of the group (I was applauded for getting a grant that funded the conference) and smile and be outgoing to all and sundry (yes, this is expected)... I was so exhausted by noon I had to force myself to stay for the rest... I stopped on the way home and picked up some farm-fresh strawberries and had them with maple syrup, yogurt and some buttered toast. Oh - it was soooo comforting!!

Then I had an ice cold Corona Extra and finished the novel At the Villa of Reduced Circumstances... next: Knitting and the new Project Runway Season 3!

and Daniel, even though you're a really *really* bad journaler, (<3)I am going to rip out the socks I started for you and re-make them in a really, really big size 12! I have the lace yarn for the Professor's shawl and will start that soon.... and... I have the patterns and yarns for two more black blouses - one of them is the cover pattern from the last Interweave Knits and is in Bamboo yarn (yes, its really yarn from 100% bamboo fibers), and the other is the Dalegarden pattern called "Stockholm" in a soft cotton/silk blend called Svale.... its does so cheer me up to plan knitting... "I do love knitting patterns"!

must go knit now....

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