Thursday, October 9, 2008

the waning....

It's Fall and the maple leaves are turning bright reds, yellows, and burgundies, and for some reason I always think of Junior High and how I used to put away my summer clothes and get out the warmer things to be prepared for the harsh New England winter to come. We haven't had much of a warm Fall this year - its been very cold - but yesterday's sun was a pleasant exception...


I have no knitting news. I've taken some time off from work to repair my house (the back wall of the barn fell down!) and let me tell you, communicating with workmen is an art of it own! skillz...I needz them!

Well, okay - maybe a little knitting news....

My boyfriend's mother is getting THIS for Christmas in a muted natural cashmere (he talked me into it!).... and his sister is getting a Shetland triangle out of this (Blue Moon Fiber Arts Single Silk in the Oregon Clover Honey colourway):


Meanwhile, I'm sawing boards and wielding an electric screwdriver instead of knitting needles and a paintbrush instead of a crochet hook. And I have a skunk building his winter nest under my front porch and a spider the size of Texas trying to annex the entryway...


fun and games...


  1. Good luck with the home repairs. I hope it goes well.

    That's one creepy looking spider!

  2. Thanks! Things have gone pretty well. And that spider is GONE! (wandered off on his own....)

  3. Yikes, that is SOME spider! Oh, by the way, I saw a documentary where they showed some scenes from New Hampshire - looked really pretty. (They're showing a six episode documentary series where Stephen Fry travels the U.S. in a small London cab. Made me crave ice cream though - they visited Vermont as well and Stephen made his own flavour... Mmmm, ice cream!)
