Monday, October 13, 2008

jam for brains....

so. I've been putting lots of time into getting this falling-down farmhouse into some semblance of water-and-wind tightness before winter... all day, every day has been spent painting, hammering, cutting boards, lifting posts, pruning, clearing, and then soaking my aching body in green salts... I am not a heavy-lifting kind of person in general, more comfortable lifting a book than a fence post, but 'needs must when the devil drives' as a loquacious painter told me when viewing my fallen-down barn wall...

this is my brain:



this is my brain on jam:



soon to be very cherry jam, indeed.


  1. Great porch repair! :) Hopefully my swap box arrives soon and you can treat yourself to the contents.

  2. OOOOOoo How exciting! I could use a little treat right now...

  3. Those cherries look delicious! I love cherries and I love making jam... Sometimes wish that I lived somewhere in the South of France with a garden full of cherry and plum trees as well as berries of all sorts. Oh, and carrots and potatoes!

    I did make a big redcurrant crumble pie this year, but no jam. I should have gone out to find blueberries but the first frost came so early.
