Sunday, March 30, 2008

Soothing stockings

Everybody knows that the northeast has been pummelled by a worse winter than we've had in 100 years and that we're still having snowstorms while the rest of the country is growing flowers. Such a stressful season needs some soothing activities to keep us all sane! My stress soother is socks...

I'm making good progress on my Plimoth Plantation over-the-knee stockings.


The yarn is harsh but the pattern so far has been easy to follow. I'm almost finished with the first of the pair and I think it will use up the entire cone of yarn. I have a second cone for the second stocking. I love the shaping and the mock seam down the back!

Wouldn't these be lovely in a very fine white cotton/silk?

When I slipped on the ice and sprained my wrist, I couldn't handle the increases and decreases of the Plimouth stockings while I was wearing the ace bandage. I started a pair of mindless ribbed stockings in soft Regia yarn. This stitch and soft yarn was easier on my wrist.

Candy Apple Stockings:


Now I'm going back and forth between the two. I can't wait to see the pair of Plimoth stockings in their full finished glory. I hope we have another now storm soon so I can knit all day!

I'm feeling achy and tired today - coming down with several things at once. This wouldn't be happening to me if I was Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris doesn’t have normal white blood cells like you and I do. His white cells have a small black ring around them. This signifies that they are black belts in every form of martial arts and they roundhouse kick the shit out of viruses. That’s why Chuck Norris never gets sick.


  1. Both of those look lovely!

  2. Thank you! The Candy Apple socks are not really my colour but the yarn was sooo soft. They'll probably go to my sister who I love knitting for!

  3. oh, get well soon. I hope your wrist heals soon, too. The socks look great. cute bit about chuck norris. made me smile

  4. thank you! my wrist is almost better now, just a little bruised feeling. what a winter!

  5. I can't believe you are hoping for another snow storm! I bet what we are getting today isn't enough to keep you home knitting, though.

    The stockings are wonderful, and represent my favorite thing about knitting. No one else will have anything like them!

  6. haha! I don't really want more snow! Please - no! I'm actually home today with that dreadful flu that's been going around so I guess its a case of "be careful what you wish for" LOL

    Thanks for your comments on the stockings. The sad thing is, they're so rarely seen unless I walk around shoeless. Perhaps on our one day of summer I can wear them with Birkinstocks ;)
