Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It seemed appropriate - Slytherin gloves

I don't think I've ever shown my Slytherin fingerless gloves, but in honor of this morning's brief snowstorm, another winter knit seemed appropriate for blogging.


I made these for a friend of mine, who dresses as Professor Snape basically all the time. They are my own pattern which is very simple, and my own Slytherin snake graph, which I'll post when I am feeling not so achy and tired as I am at the moment (coming down with something).


The yarn is Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino - black of course - two skeins and size 3 DPNs I think. Size 3 is pretty much my favorite size needle for mitts and gloves. I just get in this place where I always use the same needles for things. I use 1.5 for socks all the time. Size 8's for hats!

On Monday, I had to drive to the coast to present at an educational meeting and as I was wandering lost (as is my common practice), I saw a yarn store in a small strip-mall by the road. Charlotte's Web! Wow. I'd always wanted to visit this store - the only one in my state I hadn't been to - so I was very excited that I had extra time before my meeting. (I have such a bad sense of direction that I often go way early to places just to allow for the aimless wandering and re-tracking that is inevitable)

I loved this store! It had more than I could explore in an hour and was full of yarns I can't find anywhere else. But best of all, the woman at the counter was so friendly and nice. She talked to me like I was a friend: "what are you working on?" "How is that going?" and she was like that with everyone who came in. Pretty soon we were all laughing and talking.

Before I knew it, several skeins of Malabrigo lace weight had jumped into my basket! I got this colour for myself:

Then I got a dusky green/brown for a vest for my sister, and picked up a couple more skeins for a swap with a friend - in a velvety deep blend of colours that are stunning. After collecting some pattern booklets in a desperate attempt to find ways to reduce the stash I keep inflating, I had to wander on...Far too little time.

Time for me to take Tylenol and crawl under the comforter... {{{groan}}}. I have some nice mint water and Aunt Dimity and the Duke to comfort me.


  1. Hope you'll be well soon again - aunt dimity is the perfect read for those days.

    The colour of your Malabrigo is yummy!!

  2. Wow! what a lucky find. So glad that you had an unexpected pleasant surprise. Have fun working with all of the yarn you got. Can't wait to see pics.

  3. Thanks - malabrigo lace weight is kind of hard to find around here, so I was excited to see it!

    Aunt Dimity - was a fun book - a light mystery! I wish it would last longer though....
