Thursday, February 14, 2008


Happy Valentine's Day, friends!

crochet hearts

This little crocheted heart, made from Perle Cotton size 5 and a C hook, is from a Drops pattern at the very end of their Fall 2007 collection! It is a very quick creation, although it does take some concentration to make sure the stitches stay even and neat.

I made these hearts for the Valentine Card Swap on Ravelry and sent 10 out into the world....well, 11, because one extra one went in a card to a special friend on the west coast.

A huge Valentine gift came from my friend Nad in Germany!!


The chocolate lasted about 10 minutes - honestly - I devoured it!! (YUM) That Mozart makes good candy! hee hee... But you see that card? That pretty spring-like card? It's embedded with flower seeds! You plant them and they grow! How cool is that? I can't wait to see what they're like when they come up. I'm ready for flowers - we're still buried in several feet of snow here... (we had another storm yesterday).

The very best present of socks!! Nad made me a pair of beautiful socks called Sophia's Rose Garden, and they do look like roses don't they?

sophias Rose Garden2

I was very impressed by their style and the perfect knitting. See how she matched up the stripes of the yarn on the cuffs? Do you know how hard that is to do???? She's a miracle!

Nad is a great designer. She designed a pair of snake venom socks that you can find in her projects on Ravelry (find her via her blog, to the left) that are a marvel of the design matching the yarn. And I think she's repeated that perfect match with these rosey socks for me! As you can see, I love them. And they have been on my feet every minute since I opened the box.

Sophias Rose Garden Socks

And the yarn!! See the pretty yarn in spring colours!!
NadValentine gift yarn
These skeins make me think of spring violets and delicate snowdrops. I'm going to use them for a lily-of-the-valley sock pattern I think, to empahsize thier blossom-like feeling. And she so thoughfully included some pretty - and incredibly soft - slipper yarn (a little thicker than sock yarn) in Valentine colours for my sister. I can't wait to make those. I have another Drops pattern pcked out already for that! It's wonderful to have a friend in another country who shares the local yarns with you - things I would never even know about without her generosity. Thank you Nad!

So, this day is starting out lovely, as Valentine's Day should! I hope you all have a happy day and get a chance to do something loving for a friend or your family or a loved one...


  1. Ha! For once the mail did arrive in time! Happy Valentine's Day to you! :) Now that I know that you enjoy the MOzart goodies..... they have such lovely things, the packaging is special all the time. And I thought a little heart tin can be useful in knitting too. :) Glad you like the yarn but now the mother of all questions- the socks! Do they fit? Do you like them? :) I had something way more elaborate in mind but I will simply try again! LOL

  2. OMG!!! I took picture of the socks but forgot to post them!! I'll go edit immediately! Its a good think I took pictures right away because I've worn them every day since. I love them! immensely. They are beautiful and beautifully done!
    I have to admit they are both long and wide, but I have unusually small narrow feet, and - as you will see form the pictures - they are fine, and very very comfortable! Thank you a million for them!

  3. Oh I am so glad you like them! :) Squee! So......... I guess it would be a good idea to have ribbing on the foot part, right? that makes socks more narrow....... I'll keep that in mind for my next pair for you! :)
