Sunday, February 10, 2008

Argyley, or, What long winters are good for...

Argylley done

There is one reason I can think of to be glad that this winter is still pummelling us with cold and still gives us reasons to wear woolly goods! I've finally finished Argyley - in the middle of February.

This was meant to be a Christmas gift and now it will be a Valentine's gift... I'm not a slow knitter, not at all; it's just that the yards of K2P2 in fingering weight is rather..... arduous. And yet, its worth it for the fine, soft, perfectly drapey fabric that resulted. And seeing this argylle-like pattern slip off the needles was so gratifying.

Seacoast Handpainted yarns are a favorite and this skein just made them more so! Its huge yardage made just the right length for a scarf on size 4 needles. If I had made it a bit thinner, a larger needle would have been possible, but I wanted as fine a tension as I could manage. I found that to get the argyle diamonds I had to be very careful of my tension. One night I was quite tense and ill, and the very slightly tighter pattern that resulted created a flash of orange in the black like a lightening strike! As soon as I loosened back up to what had already been a relatively tight tension, the pseudo-argylle came back...

Argylley done ends

This scarf will wend its way to its recipient tomorrow, and while I don't wish anyone more winter than what we've already had, I do hope he has a chance to wear it before Spring!

I've also had a wonderful fibery gift arrive in the post! A friend from Ravelry sent me a box from England! Everything that was in it was the best possible choice for me - its like she read my mind. The yarn is space dyed Silk & Wool made in Wales - Its Fiberspates and the colourway is Spring Greens. I wish I had the power to describe how beautifully soft and smooth it is. I will just have to show a picture...

cupoftea gift

Along with the yarn were two packages of tea: Keemun and Jasmine Tea Balls. The Jasmine tea opens up in the teapot and blossoms with a spray of white flowers. This makes the tea-drinking as visually beautiful and it is soothing and tasty. Another friend had sent me a tea ball that will have a purple flower, so when I do try these, I'll post pictures of their pretty blooms!

But one thing in the box made me laugh out loud...the 40's postcard! You can see it on the right - the lady in the satin bathing suit... it says "Bile Beans for Inner Health and a Lovely Figure" lulz!


  1. Oh, this is SO gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I love to hear about yarn reviews. I think that one's on my list now :)
