Tuesday, February 5, 2008

golden oldies

I got my package from Plimoth Plantation for the re-enactment knitting! A beautiful mellow cornsilk colour shetland wool from Harrisville yarns. Because this is the closest, according to their research, to the type of yarn used then, and the colours made from natural dyes...

Plimoth Plantation knitting1

When I imagine the stockings all finished and on some unknown person, I picture Tom Bombadill:

Old Tom Bombadill
was a merry fellow
Bright blue his jacket was
and his boots were yellow

The pattern is for long - perhaps over the knee - stockings with a clock on the ankle. They are the most awesome stockings ever! And I plan to do then perfect justice so that all the re-enacters say "I want to wear Sophia's stockings!!" hee hee

I promise to keep you updated with periodic photographs.

In fact, this has been quite an eventful week for the needle and hook! I'm making an afghan square for Thom, Ravelry's grandpa and Casey's dad. Thom fell from a ladder and was quite badly injured. We all wanted to do something to show him that we care, so we're each making a square and several folks are putting them together into a big warm full-of-Ravelry-love blanket! The squares have to be 4" by 4" and be in the blue/grey range... My square is crocheted and is looking good....I think its a surprise, so I won't show it just yet.

I got my contract/agreement and information form from Knit on the Net today! I'm going to be a knitter/crocheter for thier book, A Stitch in Time, which is being updated and re-knit! I'm so excited. Being a sample maker is the perfect outlet for my obsession with vintage patterns! I literally cannot wait to get my assignments! No pictures allowed, folks, but I'll keep you posted about the book progress as we go along. It should be brilliant!

And last but not least, Ravelry sent me the best of gifts for winning in the Bobby's! I got two shot glasses - one says "frogged" and one says "ripped", A big project bag with the Ravery logo and green straps, pins with snappy sayings, a big Bob decal, and the bestest enameled Ravelry pins of Bob, and of the Ravelry ball-of-yarn logo...And...a frame-able award certificate! {{{sigh}}} Colour me happy. Is that too 80's an expression? Somehow it makes me think of Three's Company on the oldie's channel... anyway, it made my day...(erm, that's even worse! wasn't that saying from some Western movie?)...uh. It's fierce. really really fierce. And that's the truth!


  1. Wow, so many wonderful things going on! Congrats on all of them!

  2. What an exciting time! I love the yarn colour, btw. It somehow speaks to me.

    Congrats once again on the Bobby - the prize sounds very cute and very great :)

  3. Thank you both on all counts. I feel so honored with all these projects and events. I'm just a quiet person tucked away in a small state, but somehow, this internet thing.... it helps you connect as though you lived in a city!
