Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sophia learns something new...

There is something I have always wanted to know but was afraid to ask. Yesterday, I finally found out! I went to my LYS and had a private lesson on my lunch hour. For a very nominal fee, I learned how to cable!!

cable lesson

At first, it was very confusing, with C6F and T2B and crazy chart symbols. Kelly, the manager at the Elegant Ewe, was quite patient with me and explained things in a step by step manner. It reminded me of when I learned to tie my shoes. I was in tears one morning because everyone else seemed to know how to tie their shoes and I just didn't. My mother sat beside on the bed and said, "this is how." She demonstrated once: "This is the bird's wing, straight and tall. This is the bird's beak, grooming around the base of his wing in a circle. Then he tucks his other wing up beside the first, just as tall. When he flies, he pulls them out like this and they stand out straight!" Then I did it myself, her words recited in my head... I never needed another lesson, from then on. I was suddenly a shoe-lace tie-er, just like everybody else! I just needed to be shown, and to try it out in the presence of someone who knew how. I guess that makes me a kinesthetic learner. It's convenient, because it means I learn by doing. I just have to have the courage to try, and almost anything is possible...

Here is my first cable, a little tight, but my own!

cable lesson close

The yarn is Sublime Extra Fine Merino, which I love. This is the yarn I bought, in a dusky green, for the IK Tilted Duster, which is still barely begun. So many projects, so little time!


  1. Love that 'Sublime', and congrats on learning a new technique!

  2. Thanks!

    I do love the Sublime yarns, too. I've heard that the ones that aren't 100% natural don't knit up as nicely, but this baby merino is very nice, smooth, and pleasant to knit with!

  3. I love the bird wing analogy - I've actually never heard that before! I learned by watching the bunny run around in a circle before disappearing down the hole. Or something like that.. I never understood the rhyme.

    Congrats on learning a new skill - I'm a kinesthetic learner too!
