Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tea with Lenore

If you squirm at the Conqueror Worm,
This is no place for thee.
Or if you fright at the mere sight
Of the corpse of my Annabel Lee.
If you fear there's something you hear,
A heart beating under the floor.
Still your heart, there's no need to start
It's just me having tea with Lenore.
~Tea with Lenore

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Well, not tea with Lenore exactly - Lenore is only available to those who signed up for the Blue Moon Fiber Arts Sock Club....but there is more, much more, that is on offer for the knitting hoi poloi like myself.

Yes, I'm talking about yarn! Specifically, the Socks That Rock yarn in the beautiful Raven series of colourways! This yarn went on sale last night at about 8:15 pm EST and by 8:35 I was the proud but breathless owner of 5 skeins... I bought Pallas Athena, Haida, Rauen, Ravenscroft and Thraven, and in STR lightweight. Others of braver tincture bought these shades in "laci," the $50 a skein lace-weight beauty... But I am going to stick with the safer dark kisses of obsessive sock knitting rather than venturing in the full-blown lust of lace knitting, at least for now...and while the credit card is recovering.

and still, I can't wait until the year is up and I can have the Lenore yarn, too. How crazy is that???

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