Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Dark House

Ever since Kim Hargreaves left Rowan as a designer, I've been devouring her knitting website. Her knitting designs are always elegant with deceptively simple lines and they drape beautifully. I've coveted her patterns since her site went up and even wrote to ask her if she would sell the patterns without the kits. At that time she replied that she only had plans to sell the kits, including instructions, yarn, and buttons together - a very expensive proposition when ordering from the US!

But she recently put out a book of patterns, Heartfelt, the Darkhouse Collection and it's as brilliant as I hoped. For this - 21 patterns - I bit the bullet and got out the credit card! And, in the spirit of "in for penny, in for a pound", I also ordered a sweater kit. I can't tell you about that because its part of my Christmas knitting (just begun today - Yikes! only one month or so to knit!?!?!), but I have pictures of the very precious package and some of its contents that wended its way from England to me this week....

Photo essay on Darkhouse:

The package arrived on my doorstep wrapped in shiny brown craft paper with exotic British labels. The custom slip was on the back, as descrete as could be, in case this was a gift... (it was - a gift for Me!)
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The contents were wrapped in black tissue and black grosgrain ribbon (Catherine was *very* interested in the ribbon!) inside a white box... perfect for gifting the finished object. It arrives with a gift card and a Kim Hargreaces label to sew inside the design...
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At the bottom of the package was the much anticipated prize: The Darkhouse Collection! It looks slim, but when it's a book whose patterns you want to knit from cover to cover, it's well worth it!
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The patterns - there were so many I could have shown you, but I have to be a bit descrete, don't I? I wouldn't want my gift recipients this Christmas to say, Oh, I knew all along!" hee hee
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This is a perfect day for knitting...a Project Runway marathon is on TV this afternoon! I don't know how I'll post photos once the Christmas knitting begins {sigh....}


  1. Because of your review, I moseyed on over to Hargreaves' website - it's beautiful! Her designs are lovely. I especially love the new book too. You've got good knitting taste :)

  2. Be careful - her website is addictive! I watched all the beautiful knits there for two years before I finally sacrificed the pre-Christmas credit card to it. :)
