Friday, November 30, 2007

Dog-Walking Mitts

A very quick Christmas gift - finished over the past 3 days: the Garter Stitch Mitts, by Ysolda (who's website is on my "Inspire" list, left). This is a brilliant short-row pattern on the order of the Grackle Grackle hat that I made last month (or, as its more commonly known, the ZeeBee...).

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I used less than one skein of Garnstudio's sock yarn, Fabel, on size 6 straight needles. These mitts are for my sweetheart who needs fingerless gloves for when he walks his dogs. I put the suede palms on them so the dog lead wouldn't rub against the yarn directly.

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The pattern was written up perfectly - it went so easily! I used the large size, and added one 8-row repeat to make sure they'd fit my sweetheart's fairly large hands.

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For the second mitt, the author suggests knitting as given and turning inside out to get the thumb on the other side. Instead, I followed the directions backwards because, with this yarn and its distinctive colour patterns, it didn't look the same on the back side as the front side. It turned out just right!

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I hope I'll be able to save these until Christmas! We have a snowstorm coming on Sunday and I know I'll be tempted to whip them out and say, "See what I made you!"