Monday, November 26, 2007


Time away from work is good for the soul....good for the mental health...and good for the knitting. I enjoyed all three over the long Thansgiving holiday break. Luckily, the past five days didn't include anything earth-shattering except a flat tire on Thanksgiving morning (what can I say? my car is an adult - 21 years old - and that means I can now run it on cheap beer instread of expensive gasoline, so I can't complain about any other shenanigans it gets up to). So, I knit knit knit through Project Runway and America's Next Top Model marathons, and sappy Christmas movies that all had similar themes - woman gets divorced and moves back to home town, hooks up with former sweetheart, hates him, there is a snowstorm, she is rescued by or trapped with him, loves him, marries him and rescues (runaway, abandoned, or ophaned) kid(s) along the way.

This surfeit of schmaltz resulted in: Argyley

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Argyley is a simple K2P2 scarf but the yarn makes all the difference. It's Seacoast handpainted sock yarn in their limited edition Halloween 2007 colourway - gourd orange, black, and soft grey. I'm using size 4 (3.5 mm) needles. The random colours are creating an almost argyle-looking pattern on the scarf - better than anything I could have created with careful planning and a whole bottle of Red Truck Cabernet. Must get some more of this yarn. and some for friends. Oddly, I was the only one who bought this colourway. The LYS still has the other 3 skeins left.

I also picked up one skein of the new Manos silk & merino in a mix of these two colurs (heavy on the grey/green and very light on rose pink).
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I'm going to use it for a neck warmer or fingerless gloves, and pair it with this Plymouth Baby Alpaca Grande for a hat:
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  1. This is amazing. I looooooove that color combination and look at that pattern! Sometimes sock yarn is full of surprises! :) I wonder if my skein of seacoast might come up with something similar!It is so soft that a scarf would be AWESOME. :)
    mmmh ideas.....

  2. oooooo, you have the coal and fire, don't you? I bet it would do something like this! If you try it, do please post pictures!

  3. I love how you called your car an adult - is it acting more mature, at least? :)

    The way that yarn is arranging itself is so perfect. I love argyley-ness, and I love those colours too. Serendipity at its best!
