Saturday, September 10, 2011

The making of vests

I love knitted vests on men. There is something so appealing, so winsome, and - frankly - so sexy about a man in a well-fitting nicely knitted vest. A case in point:


(this is Colin Firth in Another Country, 1984)

While not every man is a Colin Firth, I think they all come closer to that ideal with a nice knitted vest on.


This is my last Camp Loopy 2011 project, which was to be a project that uses at least 800 yards of yarn. Since I knit this in Madeline Tosh DK (in the Twig colourway) I used 1012 yards, or 4.5 skeins. I'm so happy with the fit and the style and how it came out.

It was not a difficult knit. (You may notice that every project I've knit since the Camp Loopy July/August Project 2 has had cables!) I'm highly tempted to make another - this time with more cables and in blue or green, maybe a tweedy yarn. I love Rowan Felted Tweed but one of the things that made this vest project fun was that it knit up so quickly - a fingering weight might take the fun out of a large project.


I highly recommend the making of vests. Besides - there are no pesky sleeves to hold up the finishing!


  1. You are so right about men in vests. Your piece is so great. Looks like it fits perfectly.

  2. I used to wear a vest all the time. Like the pretty-boy style. but many women nowadays find this to be unattractive like you are a square. So I stopped wearing them. lol
