Sunday, July 24, 2011

Cherries Ripe

It's cherry season! My favorite are Rainier Cherries that were developed by Washington State University in 1952 - Thank you WU!


So in honour of this sweet season, I'll thought I'd highlight some of my favorite Cherry-coloured things...

Lexi Barnes Flo, a great find at a LYS going out of business...


Fleece Artist Kid Silk in Ruby, a gift to myself when I was going through a difficult time...


Dainty Work for Pleasure and Profit, 1894, not my oldest book by any means but so characteristic of its day with the fancy silver and gold filigree with the classical woman on the cover...


And from this book, a little=known stitch pattern for you! The Porcupine Stitch. Now, I have to tell you, in all fairness, that I tried this pattern and it came out not so much like a porcupine nor a knitting stitch, but more like a tangled triangle of confusion. There is an assumption somewhere in this direction, as there almost always is when things end up in a tangled mess not only in knitting but in life. Perhaps you can decipher it!

Porcupine Stitch

Cast on in twelves. 1st row plain.
2nd row, *over, k 2 together, repeat from *
3d row, purl; 4th row, plain; 5th row, purl.
6th row, sl 1. k 2 together, pass the slipped stitch over, k 4, over, k 1, over, k 4; repeat.
7th row, p 3 together, p 4, over, p 1, over, p 4; repeat.
8th row, like 7th; 9th row, like 6th; 10th row, like 7th.
Repeat from second row. Very pretty.

Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. I will have to give it a try and see what it looks like! Those cherries look delicious!
