Monday, May 2, 2011

Knitting up a Storm


A few years ago, when I was learning to knit socks, I started a pair for myself in that curious cotton and elastic yarn that comes as Cascade Fixation or Elann Esprit. My skeins were the Elann yarn in pink, rose, and greenish-grey and brought to mind faded roses. I found the perfect pattern:Antique Rose Socks by Dianne Mulholland.

The pattern knit up so quickly and easily and the first sock fit perfectly! But other socks were calling to me, and I set this pair aside while I worked on "practice socks" for 8 friends. By the time I finished I wanted to move on to other garments, and did - lace shawls, which held my interest for a long time.

Years passed, until this weekend when I found this first sock in my old knitting bag and, needing a transitional project, decided to complete the pair!

It's hard enough getting tension from one day to the next, but over several years? Very tough! It turned out just right, though, (this elastic sock yarn is very forgiving) and I've been wearing them happily.


Elann Esprit - 2 balls
Needles - Dyakcraft DPNs Size 3
Stitch pattern - feather and fan - toe up, short row heels

The sock took me 4 hours over 4 days from beginning to end. Why did I wait?

I'm ready for the rain storm that's coming now. And ready for a new project for the rest of the week.


  1. Thanks! And thanks for your comment to - I was beginning to think no one was reading my blog anymore! :)
