Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Moon and Stars Birthday

New Zodiac

I have a birthday this week and my two dearest friends have sent me packages in the mail, full of kindness and marvelous gifts, and some of them themed in full moon and birth-date stars...

Full Moon bookplates from Thorazos etsy

(I've heard that the Pisces Full Moon on the 19th of March will bring the moon actually closer to earth than it has ever been in recorded history)

Regia Astro Color: Fische and Austerman Step (the one with Aloe & Jojoba!) in color 145: Fische (Pisces)

Hand-woven bookmarks... Doesn't the blue one look like the scales of beautiful blue fish?

...and, incredibly, this handmade silk scarf - made by Charlotte - with my favorite flowers: purple and white violets:


Even though it's still wintery here, these packages have brought a little Piscean spring into my house. I do have birthday plans that involve yarn-stash enhancement, and art museums and moon-gazing, and the ocean...

Clouded with snow
The cold winds blow,
And shrill on leafless bough
The robin with its burning breast
Alone sings now.

The rayless sun,
Day's journey done,
Sheds its last ebbing light
On fields in leagues of beauty spread
Unearthly white.

Thick draws the dark,
And spark by spark,
The frost-fires kindle, and soon
Over that sea of frozen foam
Floats the white moon.

- Walter de la Mare