Saturday, March 20, 2010

On the Ocean

My birthday week has been spent on the ocean, the beautiful, wild, unpredictable Spring ocean...


I love it here, where every view draws you down to the waves... where walks on the beach through the sea grass last two hours or more. Walking along the shore where early sailors risked their lives the bring ships to the coast - this was the most dangerous shore with its hidden rocks - makes me feel like a character in Dickens; one of his blithe and fey children dancing barefoot on the sand while her family laughs cosily in their house made out of an upturned fishing boat... or perhaps I'm better suited as Anne Elliot of Persuasion, visiting Lyme Regis and the sea captains who housed their families along the shore...


I can see the ocean from my window...


The weather is warm, and I don't need a fire. I can smell the salt air and sleep so deeply with the sound of the waves shushing through my subconscious...

Days are spent walking, playing with dogs, talking, knitting, and exploring. I visited two yarn shops and made Baby Who. You can just make out the owl on the front...


Some lovely yarn jumped into my arms: Ella Rae's new Italian laceweight fine Merino. It's machine washable!


I plan to make a shawl with stunning golden sunrise-coloured one, and a pair of very long, vintage-y over-the-knee stockings with the mossy green. I so love fiber and colour! I wonder what makes it so incredibly compelling? Perhaps it's the...possibilities.

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