Saturday, October 3, 2009


ETA: Editing my blogpost to be a little more coherent - I am really struggling with jetlag, or the time-zone change or something!!

I'm back home now and having serious re-entry issues. I miss my little family on the west coast and the new friends I made there soooooo much!! After a month of sleeping on the floor on an air mattress, I'm having trouble sleeping in a real bed and after walking and taking the MAX everywhere, my legs get really restless - they miss walking long distances, (very fast because everyone but me had such long legs) and uphill both ways. ;)

So I've spending this morning (or the hours somce I wole up at 4 am) on the couch watching VH1 music videos. I love Pink's new song" "This used to be a fun house, but now it's full of evil clowns..." ha ha! I know she's serious, but it's really funny because clowns are scary! It's a perfect "get ready for Halloween" song.

I've had to start all new knitting projects because I am in such a funk. AND (speaking of evil clowns): I somehow lost my new Hiya-Hiya interchangable needle set! It arrived just before I left, in August. I put it away in a safe place so evil clowns wouldn't steal it when they broke into the house while I was away (I know, I have irrational fears about clowns breaking in). Now I can't remember where I put it and I've looked everywhere. If anyone who reads this is psychic, please tell me where my new needles are. I didnt throw them out in the mailing box by mistake, did I?

Well, back to the new knitting projects... Don't you love Knitquest'a patterns? I've started Tellum, a scarf/hood thingy and am using a *new* yarn: MacKintosh Yarns in Iona (small amount of cashmere!) in the oceany colourway Taurus. {{dies}}. I love this yarn. The colour is a prefect deep teal - not solid, more shaded hues of the colour. Okay - I gave you the link to this fabulous yarn, but if you buy it all I'll never forgive you.

Off to sleep now, and try to rebuild my poor brains. Maybe they were lost along with my needles?


  1. ooh - i hope you find your needle set! something similar happened to me upon my return home after 4 months - i unpacked in a daze and now cannot find a sweater i bought and brought with me. must have put it away in a realllly good place! maybe it is with your needles?

  2. Ha ha! They've run away together! What a perfect couple - she gives him something to do and he keeps her from coming unraveled!!

    Alas, I fear that I "hid" my needles in the mailing box they came in and then put the box, thinking I'd unpacked it, in the trash..... I hope that's not the case, but they haven't turned up anywhere...
