Saturday, September 12, 2009

A new philosopher is born

I'm sorry I've been away for so long. I have embarked on (what is for me) a great adventure! I am 3000 miles away from home and living in an unfurnished studio apartment in a kind of spare Zen way... I will be here for a month. I have a good reason and this is it:


He is a Very New baby, just a week and a half old. Jule is doing great and she is a wonderful parent. I'll be here - far away from my own home - for the whole month. It's strange and exciting living in a new place, and of course I love being with them every day...

I am living on the 3rd floor of Jule's apartment building. She found and rented this place for me because it would be so much better than staying in a hotel for the same length of time. My apartment is beautiful, in a building that used to be a convent in the 30's. I have a big claw footed tub, a gorgeous deep bay window that is just begging for a window seat, and I have a lovely little 30's kitchen with built-in glass fronted dish cupboards and a sunny window.... I've bought very little and intend to live quite simply while I'm here.

As you can see, the baby is wearing the sweater I made before he was born. It turned out very tiny, but he's a tiny baby (just 7 lbs!) so it fits him perfectly now. We've had a couple of cold days here on the west coast, in between scorching 96 degree days, so he did get to wear it once or twice. I'll make him a bigger one when I get back home.

I also finished the big comfy sweater - Red Lantern - for Jule while I was here. I needed to fit it on her to make sure the arms were long enough. It's perfect! I'll take action shots as soon as we get a chance.


This is a beautiful deep red (deeper than the photo could capture) of Plymouth's Baby Alpaca Grande yarn. It took several skeins - maybe 6? It's my own pattern that I intend to write up. Here you are seeing it unblocked. And for some reason, the photo turned blurry when I saved it....

But here is a bit of a close-up that is a little sharper:


Today is Jule's birthday, and I suggested making a Maple Bacon cake and friends will be coming over tonight so there's lots to do and I'd better get started...

I'm keeping up with Ravelry and reading your blogs, but I don't get a chance to post very often, and now you know why!


  1. Yippee, a baby picture! I an finally done with the quest for buttons and will sew up and block tonight so that the package can finally go in the mail on Monday. :)I also went to France to get something- I think you'll see why when you receive it all. :) I miss you and I promise there'll be mail from me soon! :)Love, Nad

  2. How wonderful - congratulations! Beautiful baby and sweater! The apartment sounds lovely, too. Enjoy every minute with the little one!

  3. Welcome to the left coast! How nice for you to spend so much time helping the new parents.

  4. Oh My Goodness! The little one's here already. I thought the event was months away. How fantastic for you to be spending that time with Jules and the babe. I'm sure you'll enjoy every minute. Mmmmm, maybe I'm going to have to get my knitting needles out and dust off the cobwebs ....

  5. Oop! The last post was from me .... Marky

  6. I was wondering what was keeping you away for so long. What a great friend you are to be there helping out!

    The aprtment sounds lovely, and very you. I bet you'd have a ball furnishing and decorating if you were going to be there longer.

    Red Lantern is very pretty, and looks amazingly snuggly.

    I hope you have the best month ever! Enjoy.
