Saturday, June 27, 2009

and now.... back to our regularly scheduled programming...

I suppose it is natural after a huge effort and event like the wedding to feel a bit of a let down when it's all over. Jule and her new husband are now on their honeymoon and I am back home on the other side of the country... I've been trying to pick up the projects and plans that I put aside to make the wedding dress but it's been hard.

Here is a bit of eye candy:


This is a skein of Rhubarb in MadelineTosh fingering merino that just arrived at my door. I had planned to pair it with another skein of the same in Oak (a kind of pond scum green) to make a fake isle shawl collar sweater. That will happen, just not for awhile. The Rhubarb skein is much more fluorescent orange that the one that was displayed when I ordered, but this is the way with hand-dyed yarns. I think it will still look fine with what I have in mind.

I'm in the middle of a lily-of-the-valley shawl made with Kraemer white lace-weight with sterling silver yarn. This was to be the wedding shawl, but of course couldn't be finished until the dress was finished and I was still altering the dress up until the morning of the wedding! Now that I am near the point of the shawl (it's a modified triangle - the points are rounded) it's going much faster!

While I was in Portland, I got a small skein of jade green silk for wrist-gloves and the new Piecework magazine - the "Travel Issue" - has the perfect pattern for them. I want to start these soon, but I'm afraid if I double-book (cast on for a second project before I finish the first) I won't go back to the shawl. A complicated lace shawl - with nupps! - is a serious commitment. And I'm not a serious girl. So it takes a lot of push for me to take these longer projects to the very end.

I know I'll get my knitting mojo back shortly - all it takes is a pretty yarn to get me inspired and a nice dose of Ravelry - but for right now... I guess it's just time to breathe.


  1. Welcome back to the land of yarn. I'm glad the wedding went well -- the dress looked lovely on her.

    BTW, I tagged you on my blog in a post dated June 27.

  2. Ooooo I must go look! I was just reading your blog yesterday and didn't see it - though I did get your lovely Collared Tippet pattern to make!
