Wednesday, March 25, 2009

we definitely believe in a joyful future


I had a birthday on the 16th and I managed to extend the fun for a week and a half. My celebration included good food, good friends, and good yarn. Usually birthdays are cues for serious thinking and pondering of the future, but I was not so serious. The closest I came to that was when I pulled out some non- digital photos and contemplated life, the universe and all that...


Don't I look very 80's!?

The yarn was good - from Webs in Northampton, Mass, where my bf and I made a lunch of eclairs and fruit tarts, to Patternworks in Center Harbour, NH, where we went grocery shopping and found homemade jams and local chocolates and watched a small airplane land on the iced-over lake...


Right in front is a wonderful sock yarn Zauberball that my friend Nad sent me from Germany. And there's Mini Mouchi and Malabrigio and a Namaste sock needle case, and my friend Melanie gave me a really beautiful green and blue "Knit Kit" from SlipStitch Studios.

I have been knitting several things at once: diaper covers from bright colours of Knitpicks Riasta, Shur'tagal in STR Oma Desala (shhhh! don't tell anyone - it's a KAL that doesn't start until next Wednesday!), a drapey shawl-sweater in Malabrigo Baby Lace, the Stone Chat colourway; a hooded baby towel in Knitpicks Crayon 100% loopy cotton. So rumours of slacking are totally unfounded. Knitting has been happening! But no designing. Last year I was so full of creative designs that I made something new almost every month. This year, 3 months has already passed (almost) and I've spent my time making other people's patterns...

I suppose it's because I've been knitting for comfort since January. There have been some hard parts to recent life, and stomach-constricting thrift that sucked the joy out of each breath... for a while, just a little while. Things are on a more even keel just now. We definitely believe in a joyful future.

A final interesting note - One of my local yarn stores, The Elegant Ewe, just told me that they've ordered 12 copies of the book I did sample knitting for, A Stitch In Time. As far as I know, it's the first store in the US to carry it! More and more projects from this beautiful book are popping up on Ravelry and each one is so lovely. I want so much to keep my copy new that I've been reluctant to take it around to show it off. So if you're one of my friends who has been trying to get me to share by prying it out of my clutching fingers - neener neener! Get yer own book!


  1. Soundsl ike you had a wonderful birthday. I'm glad to hear that.

    I'm so glad to hear the Ewe will be carrying that book. I can't wait to see it.

  2. Hi you! A belated 'happy birthday' from the Arctic ;) I'm sending you that leaflet we spoke about earlier as soon as I can afford it :) Hope you had a good day - Love the birthday photo ♥
