Tuesday, January 13, 2009


There's some progress on my Leyburn socks, (STR Petroglyphs colourway, 2.5mm needles)though its not a very good photo:


When I got to the point where I would start the heel, I took a second set of needles and started the second sock from the other end of the skein. I did this for two reasons - The pattern has been a little bit fiddly, and I was worried that when I finally got finished with the first sock, I would lose motivation....

and, with a toe-up sock, I wanted a way to make these as long as possible while making sure that there would be enough yarn to make the second one just as long. By knitting from both ends of the center-pull ball at once, I can just keep knitting until I meet myself in the middle! (how zen)

I'm now ready to start both heels. Its so fun that when I'm finished, I'm finished with both! I think I'll do this from now on...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

On the Vintage side, here is some information that might be useful for those of you who knit and crochet from vintage patterns. Below are three pictures of Nun's Nomotto yarn - the three types of Berlin wool. This was a commonly called for in vintage patterns, so I thought it was a good place to start:

This is called Berlin Wool. It's 4-ply and seems to me to be about DK weight.

Here is Berlin Baby Zephyr Wool. It is 2-ply and fingering weight. It looks just like baby weight wool that I see in the LYS - like Baby Ull.

This is called Berlin Zephyr. It is single ply and very soft and fluffy. It's lightweight fingering, and looks just like my lightweight sock yarns in thinness, although it's single ply and not tightly wound like most sock yarns. It might be easier to find a match for Berlin Zephyr in current lace yarns, which may not be as tightly spun as sock yarns...

There you have it - I hope to post pictures of more vintage yarn samples in the future...

It's cold here! Is it cold where you are?


  1. No, it's not cold here (in San Diego). It's supposed to be in the 80s today. People keep asking me why I bother knitting wool sweaters and...I have no idea.

    Keep warm!

  2. Oh! Lucky!! I went to San Diego once on a work trip and I fell in Love with it!! Someday I'll get back there.... as for sweaters... hmmmm... there are always summer sweaters with short sleeves....

  3. How zen indeed! The socks look great, I love the stitch pattern and how the yarn knits up.

    Today has been quite cold so far - I started the day by oversleeping, and then running to work in wind and snow and -5 centigrades. Felt like at least -10 because of the wind, and I was VERY happy that I hadn't decided to wear a skirt like I planned to :P

  4. Thanks for the information on Berlin wool. I have so many paterns which suggest its use but have never seen swatches before.

    Thank you very much for the offer to look out for Petit Mode for me. Its very kind of you.

    love Ruby xx

  5. whaouh, I love your socks! The color is great and works well with the pattern. It is now in my queue on ravelry ;-)

    Also, that's a good idea to knit the 2 socks at the same time. I'll do that next time, because I want to do some very long ones.
