Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Whacha got in the brown bag??

Once again, I have succumbed to the Stash Enhancement gods.... they do their enticing dance, and my will-power seeps away like the trickle of a roadside stream in mid-summer....

Still, at least I'm buying yarn, and not instruction manuals on how to poison people without leaving a so many of the people you meet nowadays.

Me: Hi there! Whacha got in that big brown bag?!

Them: Nothin to see here, just move along.


Them: Hey ya! Whatcha got in that big brown bag?!

Me: Oooooooh! My new Single Silk from Blue Moon Fiber Arts!

See? much better.


I have here Mossay, Kaw Kaw, and Thraven...

Single Silk is 500 yarns of 50% silk, 50% merino wool. The wool will give it some spring and elasticity so that it doesn't stretch out and stay stretched out. It will have some "give" in other words. I plan to use these for small shrug-type sweaters - for gifts.


  1. Oh, those are beautiful! I'm off to look this yarn up on Rav (I'm a sucker for BMFA STR, just love their colours).

  2. Great colours! I can't wait to see what you do with them.

  3. yummy colours......... I really adore them
