Saturday, June 14, 2008

Candied Apples

The Candy Apple Stockings are finished! This was a long knit, because I knit and crocheted so many other things at the same time!


I used Regia Colour (machine washable sock yarn that is also Soft!), 2 balls, which I got at Patternworks after Christmas. Needles are Knitpicks Harmony double-points, size US 1.5

These were knit toe-up, on 60 stitches for the foot and leg, in a K2 P1 pattern, with occasional 3 stitch increases for shaping, directly in the back. I made two sets of increases about an inch apart on the lower calf, and one set of increases on the upper calf.


As you can see, these increases were made over a set of 4 rows, increasing in the purl stitch with ordinary m1 increases. So, you have p1 k3, p1, k3 going. One the first increase round you p1, k3, kf&b in the purl stitch, k3 according to the regular pattern. Next round, when you get to that place, you p1, k3, p1, kf&b in the stitch made on the previous round, k3, continue in pattern. In the next round when you get to that place, you p1, k3, pl, k1, kf&b in the stitch just made, k3 and continue in regular pattern. Next, p1, k3, p1, k2, kf&b, k3, continue. Next, p1, k3, p1, k3, p1, k3 and there you are back to your regular pattern with a nice little v-shaped increase up the center back of your stocking!


The ribbing at the top is a full 2 inches of K1P1 with a stretchy sewn bind-off. I used every bit of each skein and they came out exactly the same length.

I love this yarn! The colour is a perfect candied apple red. There are accents of grey and gold in there too but they mostly blend into the red to make this very gorgeous sweet red.


I seem to be on a red kick lately, don't I?