Sunday, May 25, 2008

taking tea...

Good Morning!

breakfast tea cosy

I am feeling cosy and happy this morning because we have a 3-day weekend! It's Memorial Day weekend, which means no work on Monday. Instead, there will be the sounds of trumpets and drums as the big Memorial Day parade passes along the street at the end of my road early in the morning. Shops will be open, but offices will be closed. Many - if not most - people will be grilling dinner in their back yards and picnicking on thier decks and porches. There will be fireworks in the evening, organized by the city over in the ballpark, as soon as it gets dusky. The cat will run and hide under the bed when she hears the booms and crashes.

But meanwhile, I enjoy the weekend, knowing that I can be more leaisurly about chores and things because I have an extra day. So, I am making tea and popovers for breakfast today, to be served with butter and strawberry jam.


Whisk together 4 eggs and 1 cup milk, at room temperature, in a fairly large bowl. Add 1 tablespoon melted butter and whisk again. Add 1 cup flour and 1/2 teaspoon salt and whisk until the batter is smooth and pours like heavy cream.

Grease an 8-muffin pan and dust each cup with a little flour. Place in the lower part of an oven pre-heated to 450 degrees F. Bake for about 20 - 30 minutes or until popovers are browned and puffed high. Don't open the oven while they are baking, or they'll collapse! When they come out of the oven, you can pierce each one with a skewer to let the steam escape - some people think this keeps them from collapsing, but I always eat them too quickly for this to matter!

Enjoy hot will plenty of butter and jam and a nice pot of tea.


As for knitting & crocheting, I am working on the most beautiful 1930's hat I have ever seen, for the book A stitch in Time. It's such a pleasure to work on the photographic samples for this book because the patterns being included are the best of the best of vintage. You can believe me because I've seen so many patterns from times past, and there are definitely some that rise above the rest due to design, timelessness, and well-written directions. The editor allowed me to choose the yarn that I thought would work best for this pattern, both in terms of fiber and colour (with her approval of course), so I'm in heaven.

I can't wait for you to see all the lovely! September!

By the way, the tea cosy, above, on my kitchen table wasn't made by me, but is one I found in a thrift store. After I got it, I did find the pattern for it in one of my old books though, and if anyone wants, I'll search it out and post it...


  1. How funny that you had the pattern for the thrift store tea coazy in your collection.

    I hope you have a wonderful long weekend!

  2. Popovers for breakfast? Yummy! I've only ever had them with roast beef & gravy. Now I definitely want to make a batch for the morning. :)
