Sunday, May 11, 2008

NH Sheep & Wool Fair Theft

Just saw this on Livejournal, and thought I'd help to get the word out...

The cash box was stolen from Carolina Homespun's booth at the end of
the day on Saturday, May 10 at the New Hampshire Sheep & Wool
Festival. Included in the cash box were cash, credit card receipts,
personal checks for purchases and addresses from customers who were
to have merchandise sent to them.

Carolina Homespun has reported the theft to the police and its credit
card servicing company to ensure the safety of credit card purchases
from theft of the account numbers. However, Morgaine is concerned
that her customers who paid by check be aware that their personal
information may be vulnerable.

More important than the financial loss that she has experienced,
Morgaine's main concern is for the safety and security of customers'
personal information.

If you made a purchase at Carolina Homespun on Saturday at New
Hampshire Sheep & Wool, please watch your accounts for any fraudulent
activity. If customers have any questions or need any additional
information, you can email Morgaine at
Also, if Morgaine was supposed to mail you merchandise, please call
her at 800-450-7786 to provide her with your shipping information

: I just got the news that the cashbox was found by the police and the theives only took the cash - not the checks or credit card slips. So it seems that people's accounts are probably safe... I do feel very badly for this vendor though. She was a nice and friendly person who never saw this coming.


  1. Well, glad that the box was recovered and that the checks are still there, but how shitty for the vendor!! People are just hideous sometimes.

  2. Seriously! What's wrong with people?! At MD Sheep and Wool weekend before last, a number of things happened like this... it's really too bad.

  3. I've never heard of this happening before at a sheep & wool fair, have you? I can't imagine how and why these trends are beginning, unless theives are targeting all fairs and just traveling from one to another!
