Wednesday, April 23, 2008

the fiber fairy visits....

A little Fiber Fairy came to my house to play
She opened up the windows
and chased the gloom away...

In other words, I got some wonderful gifts in the post from a new Ravelry friend!


This tea set is from her personal collection of Lu-Ray California china. I found this info about the china on some internet sites:

"The Lu-Ray Pastel line was introduced in the fall of 1938 and it was continued with minor changes until 1962. The Lu-Ray name did come from the company’s lead salesman having recently visiting the Lu-Ray Caverns located in Lu-Ray, Virginia. The four original pastel colors were named Windsor Blue, Surf Green, Persian Cream, and Sharon Pink. The Persian Cream is actually a soft yellow color. Since Martha Stewart recently featured Lu-Ray in April of 1996 the demand for and value of Lu-Ray has skyrocketed up and the location of Lu-Ray has become nearly impossible."

I'm very honored to have a tea set in this wonderful Surf Green!

New yarn has also made its way into my cosy home by way of this gracious person... Here is Posh Yarns Eva - a cashmere and silk blend in sock weight.


These gorgeous greens remind me of the water lily leaves on a pond where I used to canoe - so serene, so deep and liquid. The yarn is both smooth and soft and you can't help but stroke it - the cat is very jealous! I love this yarn very much and will definitely make something fo me with it - a lace neck scarf or special stockings, I'm not sure.

These next two skeins were a totally unexpected bonus from her generous heart! They are from Hoobody fibers, a company I've never heard of, but I can tell you it is one of the very softest, most beautifully dyed, and smoothly spun yarns I've ever seen! If this yarn were available anywhere near me, my budget would be in constant danger!


This is a lace-weight yarn in the colours of waterlily blossoms! It is destined to be a lace shawl. I love it love it love it. In fact, I kept it right beside me, with the sock yarn, so that I could gaze happily at it every few minutes! Don't you love yarns from companies you've never had before? I just want to collect every yarn ever made. seriously.

A yarn habit like this needs serious and determined stash-busting, and so every chance I get I buy patterns, hoping they will bond with the yarns and make a nice FO family. My recent aquisitions are A Fine Fleece and Noro Joy .


Since I'm very interested (read that as obsessed) with vests right now, I think this may be my first project from A Fine Fleece:


Possibly. Maybe.


  1. What a wonderful swap! :) That laceweight is seriously gorgeous - I can't wait to see what pattern you pair it with!

  2. wow! what a great surprise! I'm sure you will have fun enjoying your new gifts.

  3. Those are really wonderful gifts! I'm glad you are enjoying them so much. Wil you be at NH sheep and wool festival? Maybe we can actually meet. I will be hanging around the "Irish Ewe"/"Woolley Farm" booth most of the time.

  4. thank you everyone - I am truely becoming spoiled by my wonderful Ravelry friends!

    to Brian - yes I will be the one who is waiting at the beginning of the line before they open the gates in the morning - you'll find me clinging to the gate trying to get in! LOL What is the Irish Ewe? I'll have to google that!

    But are you going to the big sale at the Elegant Ewe this weekend? They're having 25% off everything in the store - everything (including spinning stuff - and some yarns will be 50% off. Marcie told me that the basket of Seacoast yarn will be in the 50% bin. If you're on their email list you can start your sale shopping on Friday and they're opening at 8 am on Saturday....

  5. Hi Sophia -- I just discovered this blog post. I am Hoobody Fibers. I'm so glad to know that those two skeins of Giverny Hoobody Lace went to a loving home. Cheers!

    Meg at Yarn Expressions
