Friday, January 11, 2008

Spoiled (but not a brat)

Well, I have been spoiled! Canarysanctuary sent me a big package that arrived yesterday! I came home from work in the freezing rain, tired and (frankly) miserable from a tough day at this educational edifice and as I drove into the driveway I spied a package waiting demurely on the doorstep... How exciting!

The labels on it revealed that it was actually from another country. More excitement! Then I saw Canarysanctuary's name - how intriguing! What could she be sending me????


See how many things? There were beautiful cards and vintage patterns and teas and yarns and a new knitting journal!! Now for the specifics..... These two skeins are Lorna's Laces in a bright Coral and soft Coral stripe - how cute is that?? These will be perfect for a summery seashell sock design I have in mind! And this seagreen yarn - Oh how I love that colour!!! - is a big skein of wool and ANGORA blend!! I have wanted a yarn like this all winter for a neck cowl - it's perfect.

Now the teas are sitting beside me on my desk right now! There are Twinings Darjeeling (which is in my tummy), Twinings Celebration (celebrating 300 years of expereince with an Assan and Kenyan blend!), Twinings Indian Spiced Chai, Stash Pumpkin Spice, Bigelow Apple Cider Tea, Madura Peppermint Cooler, and Teekanne Heibe Liebe Fruchtee mit Himbeer-Vanille (this has a picture of raspberries and Vanilla flowers on it)!!! Now, I must tell you that the Twinings that is exported to Canada and the European countries from England is not the same tea that is exported from Twinings of London to the US!! Twinings openly states that they don't send their high-quality teas and tea bags to the Americans because they don't believe we appreciate the finer teas (ahem). I am a member of a big online Tea newsgroup and when we once wrote to Twinings about this, they actually said this! So you can imagine how happy I am to get some samples of this elusive actual high quality Twinings tea to test out for myself. I can tell you that the Darjeeling was excellent - not astringent at all.

So there you have it, gentle readers. I am so very blessed by such generous and kind friends who gift me with treasures. It has made me very enthused to get deep into the knitting and designing in this new year!!


  1. I'm so glad everything arrived to you in a timely fashion - and you like it! I must apologize for my online absence the past few weeks.

    I hope the yarnny goodness delivers you happy summery feet and a warm cowl-covered neck in the chill.

    And, I'm absolutely amazed at the open "yanks don't dig the good tea" statement. Glad to (unwittingly) oblige and send some o' the good stuffs!

  2. heehee - yes I do love it! I was thinking of casting on with the LL yesterday (but have so many obligations in my cue)... You are soooo kind!
