Tuesday, January 1, 2008

sad swap experience...

I had an experience with Ravelry last week that really threw me; upset my knitting equilibrium. I joined my second swap on the Tea group, and was assigned my partner. And someone was assigned to send a box to me. I had lots of fun shopping for my designated box recipient. This is the most fun part of a swap - spoiling your partner with special gifts that they wouldn't get for themselves. We're supposed to spend about $40...

I assumed that the person sending to me was going through a similar process.
This is what I received:
sadswap ravelry dec 07

I was so hurt and started crying when I opened the box! For some reason, it seemed like I was unworthy of a "spoilage" swap box - that my swap sender had read my questionaire and decided "eh,". I couldn't get it out of my mind for days and even left the group that started the swap because I couldn't stand to see the wonderful swap boxes that other folks were getting - things like 2 skeins of silk lace weight yarn and Presentation Blossom teas!!

Several days have passed and I got a couple very nice messages from other people in the group. One person told me she had a similar experience a while ago and hadn't done any swaps since. I love to give gifts, (I'm going to be a swap angel for someone who didn't get their box in the last swap) so this will be hard for me, but I think I should not join any swaps again. I don't think I could go through this again...

meh, I shouldn't complain because I was thoroughly tea-and-knitting spoiled by my sister, my bf, and friends at Christmas time. Why do the assumptions of strangers affect us so much, when its those who are close to us who should matter most...


  1. Oh my, that is SO unfair! This is a completely lousy swap package. I've done several swaps on swap-bot but I have had sad experiences too where I was lied to and never got packages- all in all I pretty much stopped swapping especially when the amount is over $40 since I am not willing to take the risk anymore, especially with overseas postage. I was lucky with my ravelry swaps but I saw some of the people in the group weren't so I decided to not do it again- too risky. Know what? Let me angel this for you! LOL There are socks that can't wait to be with you and I have started a little box for you anyway. :)

  2. Oh Nad - you are unbelieveably generous! And you've already spoiled me with Christmas yarns!

  3. I'm so sorry that happened to you! I understand your disappointment. It's unfortunate that some people can be so selfish.
    I hope that you can find another, more reliable swap-group of sorts.

  4. How terrible! I am also part of that swap, and I would be very sad indeed if I got such a paltry package. Have you contacted the moderator? I know at Fiberflix, often a call is sent out for others to pick up the slack if a swap partner has sent nothing. In your case I think what was sent is pretty close to that. I also think you should post the person's name so others are aware not to include him/her in future swaps. It's always a gamble, and I am also a little weary of swaps with people you don't know. Perhaps this will be my last one for a while, too. When I get back to school (end of this month), I will send you some yarn from my stash! You are totally worthy of a better package than you received!

  5. Hi Sarah! I did contact the moderator of the group and the organizer of the swap. The moderator didn't reply (but she's been stressed lately with personal issues) and the organizer wrote back and said she couldn't do anything about it... meh, I just wanted people to know, really...

  6. Not to minimize your pain, but hey, at least you got something. I quit on swaps years ago because I was the one that never got anything..... And I can't afford it.

  7. you know, lizzieK8, you're right! There were 4 people in the swap who didn't get any packages at all! Three finally were resolved and they got their boxes, but the last one is going to get some surprises from me and a couple others in the group because her swap partner just never responded. There are definitly risks to a swap. Maybe I'll become a "swap angel" from now on, instead of participating... I'd like to keep others from feeling this disappointment.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. How sad and very disappointing. I'm not sure where you are from but if you ever want to swap with someone else, I am more than happy and I can send you some Aussie wool (assuming you're not from Australia).

