Thursday, January 24, 2008

Make My Day Award!

I've been given a Make My Day Blog Award by the wonderful Briley, a fellow Raveler!


This is how it works:
Give the award to up to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel so happy about Blogland! Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so that they can pass it on. Beware! You may get the award several times!

I definitely have blogs that I read every day and that never fail to bring a smile to my face when I'm having a tough time. I'm only going to mention a couple here, because the ones that everyone knows about have already received this award.

Blogs that Make My Day:

Nadine's Knitting Basket - I've known Nad for some time because we met on a group about another mutual obession - Tea! It was only in the last couple of years that we realized we were both avid knitters. Her adventures with her beautiful goats and chickens has been a joy to watch. And her yarn! and her socks! amazing....

Canary Knits - A most creative designer and knitter whose gentle artistic life and words never fails to inspire me. I love the photos of her canaries! I just wish she would post more often because I get inspired by her knitting style!

Carrieoki - I've read Carrieoke's blog every day for a couple years now and its like getting to know a friend, except that I rarely post so she doesn't know me in return. Since her recent wedding, she hasn't posted much, but I'm hoping she'll be back in full swing soon! (me and a million other readers). What? Having a job, a new house, a graduate school prgram, and a new marriage takes up all your time from blogging???

There are certainly others that I love and read and some new to me (listed in my blog sidebar) that I'm just getting to know... This is one of the wonderful parts of the internets - the opportunity to get to know and make friends with similar interests who are far from you in geography.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much sophia! You've made my day, in turn :) Perhaps I can scrape together me mind and finally post - it's been weeks!
