Friday, December 21, 2007

Winter calm after the storm

I can't post about knitting, because all my knitting is Christmas knitting and that's - you know - a surprise. I don't think my sister and her boyfriend read my blog, but you never know....

So instead I'll show you a picture of our little Christmas tree:


It's the doll's Christmas tree, actually, with a rag doll angel on top. And our three stockings, mine, my sister's, and her boyfriend's, are waiting below it to be filled with surprises!

And Catherine, slowly regaining her comfortable winter roundness after her surgery, approves...



  1. I love your tree (don't ask why, but I call them "turkey trees". I'm slightly off).

    I hope Catherine is feeling very well soon! I'm sure Christmas comes for cats too.

  2. Thanks! :-) Catherine is feeling better every day and now has *two* presents under the tree!

    "turkey trees"???? that's so funny!

  3. What a lovely tree! :) We opted for a tiny tree this year too- it is on the small side- the goats would call it a "mid-morning snack"..... :) Two hours of postal-delivery-possibility left.. I keep stalking. :)

  4. I can't imagine that your package would be so late Nad!! Oh No! Is there any chance that it arrived and your mother hid it away???? Or that its at the post office undelivered??? I will be heartbroken if you don't get it by Christmas!!!

  5. Came over from Briley's blog... Cute tree! Good luck finishing your holiday gifts! I read the post on the Golden Compass ... I haven't seen the movie but jst watching the trailer yesterday I noticed many handknits and was thinking wow! Glad you posted about it too!
