Thursday, December 6, 2007


So much for my quirky sense of humour in my last post. Funny? maybe. But I've signed up to be part of the Ravelry Tea and Yarn swap, and I wouldn't want my swap partner to *really* think I have enough yarn or enough tea. Come on. Enough yarn? Enough tea? can you spell O X Y M O R O N??????? The words "Tea", "Yarn", and "Enough" just don't belong together.

Last night I had one of those experiences that knitters dread. I've been knitting a sweater for a Christmas present (so no pictures here) and its been going on for some weeks. The pattern is the Spring Forward Fall Back Sweater, a great top-down raglan pullover by the Thrifty Knitter (free on her website). The pattern is cute and is well written. It looks great on her and is adorable. She used some yarn she spun herself. I used some Noro Silk Garden. Last night, I had finished to the point of attaching the very last skein of yarn to the bottom - sleeves finished, shaping finished, almost the entire length finished. I smoothed it out on the couch and gazed down proudly. Imagine my surprize when....Ahhck!! It's ooogly! Very Fug! For some reason, the Noro stripes - going sideways around the sweater - just didn't seem to work. I'm going to finish, and block, and gift it anyway - its a huge investment and I'll just tell my recipient that if she doesn't like it, she can hand it to a stranger on the street (something I love to do with knits! another thing I like to do is make hats and mittens and "accidently" leave them on the bus for others to pick up and own...)

I'll take a picture before I wrap this up, and you can tell me what you think. Maybe its not as bad as I thought. When I looked at it this morning, the colours looked a little more subtle.

I've finished Exsanguinate my 'river of blood' red Chevron Scarf from Mountain Colours Barefoot yarn. Its 77 inches long (before blocking) and will be very dramatic wrapped around a long neck. This Christmas gift I'm more confident about:

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I've more holiday knitting to go....and so little time!

1 comment:

  1. :) Yes, as if one can have enough yarn. I am determined to knit up the stash though- I will join the sock club for my lys and other than that and gift yarn and new brands of sock yarn ( like Noro Kureyon Sock) I am NOT buyng any. Seriously, I mean it. I have glorious stash yarn that is begging for attention. And with all the woes around right now- to count the blessings in my stash and life might be a good idea. I do need to focus.

    Oh! And I just read your IM- Woooo! I'll be in proper stalking mode- I think it will coincide with the start of my holidays- and by all means, do open your box- everything is wrapped and the edibles might come in handy.
