Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Gothic Lolitas

Just in time for Halloween, I've finally written up my pattern for the Gothic Lolita Elbow-length gloves. Although I don't have a good picture of these in the true Japanese Gothic Lolita style, they do fit well over layers of cute sweaters and blouses, because they're gently belled...
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They're also a good beginning pattern, because they're knitted flat on straight needles without a thumb gusset and then seamed up the side.

Beware the disappearing skull! It looks so cute and toothlessly smiling in the pattern, but when you print it out, it disappears! Don't ask. I have no idea....

[EDIT: I fixed the chart. It should now print out with the correct spaces marked for the little skull...]

I do think that these gloves would look lovely in a Halloween costume that also included Knitty's Hallowig in the same bright salmon pink!


  1. Those are so very awesome! I love them lots. It's like you read my mind - I was just going to start a glove/arm warmer kick. Inspiration :)

    I also love them because they're the perfect project to utilized smaller amounts of stash yarn.

    Thanks so much for posting this (and all those other) patterns!

  2. Oh thank you! They look really good on. I made a black pair too, but someone bought them right up....
